Privacy Policy
Read Before Using Site
Last Updated 06/11/2023
The Privacy includes all services and uses of the website known as John Casey, all information collected or transmitted directly by "Us" to "You" or from "You to Us". All forums, digital, media, email or communication kept and held by us to provide services to "You" the consumer or "User". It includes those who access the website in whole or part and includes services limited or not, provided to or from, coming from, or originating from the website. Links, redirects, cookies, or any form of direction only created by "Us" in which we have control of or ability to control and proper notifications of. We could not be responsible for acts of God, incidents beyond our control or other incidents related to security, links, redirects, forum chat or blog actions initiating from our "Users", guest, subscription members, or others including any and all third parties or others, nor media actions originating to or from any party using any of our services in whole or part, including but not limited to the source "You" the "User" are accessing for utilizing our site whole or in part. Further, we are not responsible for access or any lack of care or security to interactions with others in the cyberspace community by any "Users", guest, consumer(s), mechanical device or person, nor providers of links, redirects, connections, media, social or professional content or other originating from our website or any originating part from it. Access of our site and all services or any reliance on content or validity of content in its security is the sole risk of the "User".
Personal Information
Information provided by "You" the user that which you utilize in identifying yourself to "Us" the website providing services or other chat, forum, media, content, or other communication. The identifying information used by "You" in the use of the website whole or part. Information provided by "You" the "User" that is beyond the normal course of business or security to verify is beyond our control to police. All chat, blogs, and communication made within the site for public or member services links, redirects, advertising whether personal or professional or otherwise are the sole risk of "You" the "User".
Information Collected
Information on this website is collected both manually and automatically in a way to provide services and enhance performance and products offered on the site realized or not or provided services past, current or future or not. The information is for benefit and enhancement to and for our site whether realized or not. Information may include what identifies "You" the user or reasonably associates or represents "You". Information may also be collected from other third parties or other sources to combine information we collect from "You" for such benefits and services realized or not.
1. Information you provide to us.
Registration, Communication, Transactions, Surveys, Forum, Chat, email, text, including but not limited to name, address, bank account, credit card, photos, media, driver license, activity, or any other information relevant in the course of providing or enhancing services or products or daily business of our services limited or not. Information "You" provide to "Us" or information acquired by "Us".
2. Information Automatically collected
Web logs, Geolocation information, Cookies and Other Data Collection Technologies, Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics. Information automatically collected is often but not limited to providing better advertising, judging site services, what pages have more activity, and which do not, for tracking and examining use of or benefits to services and product or overall site enhancement, demographic and statistical information to personalize your experience and create benefits to performance of the website. IP address, browser type, internet service provider, pages, operating system, date/time, stamp and other clickstream data, blogs, chats, cookies, or media. The services current to the internet are ever evolving and changing and new services are always replacing old technologies. Most tracking, cookies, data, browser, or other technologies connected with your source of use provide opt in and opt out or turn off and turn on options. The current or future technologies and options available and any concerns or questions you may want to have answered should be directed to those browsers, technology, services or other "You" utilize in the access to and use of our website or its pages, redirects, links, blogs, chats, and attachments.
3. Information from Third Parties
We collect all relevant information and data necessary for ticketing and purchase, Information is obtained from service providers and public databases. and when deemed necessary even social media providers or background information providers or identity verification providers. We will use past, current, and even future technologies available staying current with the internet progress and progression to find more enhanced abilities to provide better services, products, and experience to "You" the "'User" of our websites and its use.
Use of Information
Information is utilized for the purpose(s) for which you provide it to us and to improve services to the site as well as customer support. It will be used to provide marketing and advertising material as well as promotional offerings that may be of interest to you. Information is provided through email, phone, text messaging, in app and push notifications.
Information is used to provide response(s) to your inquiries, request, subscriptions, to send you updates, news, and other information related to the site and services. It is also used to send administrative information to you, notify you of changes of terms, services, conditions, new products or services and policies or for completion of purchases, expiration of services, and to process payments, provide customer service(s) and communicate with you about services. It provides personalized service, an ability to enhance services provided to you, and recognize your services with us.
The information you provide helps in determining fraud, data analysis, audits, security, crime, monitoring and prevention, developing new services or products, enhancing, improving or modifying services, help in marketing, identifying trends and interest, help determine overall effectiveness of site and services, Information is also used in operating, managing, or expanding products and services or site improvement and enhancement.
Understand Information provided us includes and is not limited to our Partners, Affiliates, Associates, Assistants, and Subsidiaries.
When appropriate by law or applicable to law including those laws outside a particular jurisdiction information may be used to comply with legal process. Information may be used to respond to public and government authority's request. It may also be used to and in the enforcement of terms and conditions, protection of operation including surveillance in protection of rights, privacy, safety or pursuit of remedy or damages.
Information Shared or Disclosed
Information you post in chat rooms, media, forum, and message boards or otherwise provide on this site in public or subscriptions areas can be viewed by others use extreme caution prior to disclosing information in these areas.
Information may be shared with partners, associates, affiliates, or subsidiaries. It is also shared with service providers whom process personal information for us on our behalf to provide and perform needed business and operational services including but not limited to web hosting, provisioning, IT services, customer service, email or text message delivery, analytics, ticketing, marketing, advertising, security, and payment processing, Third party ad network and advertising partners in providing advertising and personal content collect direct from your browser, cookies, or other technology or devise utilized to access the website whole or part. Information is utilized for targeted marketing, advertising, trending, forecasting, and promoting services as well as market research.
In connecting any social media to our site or services you authorize us to share your information with other account holders or providers including blogs, chat, and forums within the website. If you do not want the information shared do not connect your social media to our site, blog, chat, or utilize the forums or social services for such.
In the use of the website, you understand we may disclose personal information to government authorities, third parties, or in the course of protecting health and safety. In the event of reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of business, assets, stock, whole or part information may be shared or disclosed.
Information may be shared or disclosed in, too, by, or for the following:
(1) Fraud
(2) Claims
(3) Disputes
(4) litigation
(5) When required by Law
(6) For Health and Safety
(7) Credit Risk
(8) Enforce law or legal rights
(9) For purposes of contractual commitments made by you
(10) Third parties
(11) Government regulatory authorities
(12) Transfer or Sale
Permitted Use
You are not permitted to impersonate any user or any other person or entity associated with this website, to engage in conduct restricting or inhibiting anyone and their use or enjoyment of the website known as John Casey. All and any use determined harm or to be harmful to users of the website or associations, affiliates, partners, subsidiaries and connections to and of the website known herein as John Casey including but not limited to the intent or intention to create, cause, or desire to cause exposer to harm or liability is not permitted.
The website in whole or part is to be used for lawful purposes only. In accordance with the terms of use and any and all laws in the jurisdiction of the use of this website you agree not to violate any applicable federal, state, local, or international law, regulation, or license including without limitation any laws regarding export of data or software to and from the United States or any other countries, territories, or geographical borders defined as a whole or part of the planet earth or its universe. The website is not to be used for the purpose of exploiting, harming, or attempting to harm or exploit minors in any way by exposing them to inappropriate content, asking for personal information, stalking, tracing, tracking, hacking, spying, or otherwise. You agree in the use of this site in whole or part not to knowingly receive, upload, download, use, re-use any material. Further, you agree in the use whole or part of this website known as John Casey not to transmit or procure the sending of any advertising or promotional material, including any junk mail, chain letter, spam, multi-level marketing scheme, or any other similar solicitation. You are not permitted to impersonate or attempt to impersonate John Casey or any material on or within this website, any associates, partners, assistants, affiliates, subsidiaries, business relationships, or others related to John Casey and the website known herein. You are not permitted to impersonate any user, or any other person or entity associated with this website, to engage in conduct restricting or inhibiting anyone and their use or enjoyment of the website known as John Casey. All and any use determined harm or to be harmful to users of the website or associations, affiliates, partners, subsidiaries and connections to and of the website known herein as John Casey including but not limited to the intent or intention to create, cause, or desire to cause exposer to liability or harm is not permitted.
Additionally, you agree to not use or attempt to use the website in any manner that could disable, damage, impair, or burden the site or interfere with any individual, party, business, or entities use of the website including but not limited to real time activity. Any use of any bot, spider, tracking, tracing, auto device, process or means to access the website for any purpose including but not limited to monitoring, copying, direct, redirect, or otherwise, of any material whole or part is not permitted. Use of the site by device, software, or routine to interfere with proper functioning of the site is not permitted. You are not permitted to attack website in whole or part with or via a denial-of-service attack or distributed denial-of-service attack. You are not permitted to use the account, username, password, forum, or identity of another user or permit any third party to access your account. You may not introduce any trojan horse, worms, logic bombs, or any malicious material technologically or manually to the site or in any way technologically harm the site.
You are not permitted to obtain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to, interfere with, damage, disrupt, or burden any part of the website, server(s) which website is stored, or any server, computer, or database connected to the website or otherwise attempt to interfere with function, functionality, or availability of website including security.
Online Privacy
We are making you fully aware of your privacy rights. If you have issues or questions regarding the data, we hold on you, please contact us at the following:
All requests must be made in writing.
You as the "User" are entitled to the following data protection rights:
(1) The right to access-you have the right to request from our company copies of your personal information
(2) The right to rectification-you have the right to request our company correct any information you believe is inaccurate and complete information you believe is incomplete
(3) The right to erasure-you have the right to request our company erase your personal data under certain conditions.
(4) The right to restrict processing-you have the right to request our company restrict processing of your personal data under certain conditions
(5) The right to object to processing-you have the right to object to our company processing of your personal data under certain conditions.
(6) The right to data portability-you have the right to request our company transfer the data we have collected to another organization, or direct to you under certain conditions.
(7) The right to non-discrimination of exercising your CCPA rights
We have 30 days to respond, and your request needs to be made to us in writing::
Please email or mail request
John Casey
21 Eastlake
Irvine, Ca 92604
Email us at info@derbychase.com
(949) 220-4706
Region Specific Notices
Carefully read terms of use in its entirety, by using this website you accept and agree to the terms of use and abide to and be bound by them. If you do not agree to the terms of use you may not use or access this website in whole or part.
The website is offered and available to users 18 years of age or older. In jurisdictions where the website or content herein requires age or other defined in law, license, permit, or restriction, whether city, local, or government the governing laws shall apply, and you are hereby responsible for use of the website in violation of such rules, regulations, laws, and restrictions. Jurisdictions vary and by using this site you warrant and represent that you are of legal age to form a binding contract and meet all eligibility requirements in the jurisdiction of use of the website in whole or part.
Use by Under Aged
The website is offered and available to users 18 years of age or older. In jurisdictions where the website or content herein requires age or other defined in law, license, permit, or restriction, whether city, local, or government the governing laws shall apply and you are herby responsible for use of the website in violation of such rules, regulations, laws, and restrictions. Jurisdictions vary and by using this site you warrant and represent that you are of legal age to form a binding contract and meet all eligibility requirements in the jurisdiction of use of the website in whole or part.
Third Party Websites
Our Privacy Policy only applies to our website if you click on links or are directed to other pages you should read their privacy policy.
It is not a permitted use to establish a link to the website herein known as John Casey its affiliates, associates, subsidiaries, or partners that is not owned by you, display the website or any portion of it, appear to display, create or establish a link(s) to any part of the website except provided it does so by lawful means only, such as bookmarks. You may not take any actions inconsistent with law, cause in link(s) anything damaging the reputation and character of the website nor cause any actions inconsistent with your obligation(s) under any of the terms of use of the website known as John Casey.
Changes and Updates
Privacy Policy and Terms of use may be revised and updated in whole or part from time to time in our sole discretion or out of necessity to remain current within our changing world of modern and new evolving and ever changing laws, rules, and regulations. Your continued use of the website known as John Casey in whole or part means you accept and agree to any and all changes to the terms of use. You are responsible to check our terms of use and privacy policy for any updates in changes made. Any changes made are effective immediately and you are responsible for making yourself aware of any and all changes, they are binding to you.
California Privacy Policy
Should you wish to file a complaint or feal our company has not addressed your issue or concern in a satisfactory manner you may contact the following:
Public Inquiry Unit
Office of Attorney General
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, Ca 94244-2550
websute: oag.ca.gov
Information you post in chat rooms, media, forum, and message boards or otherwise provide on this site in public or subscriptions areas can be viewed by others use extreme caution prior to disclosing information in these areas.
Information may be shared with partners, associates, affiliates, or subsidiaries. It is also shared with service providers whom process personal information for us on our behalf to provide and perform needed business and operational services including but not limited to web hosting, provisioning, IT services, customer service, email or text message delivery, analytics, ticketing, marketing, advertising, security, and payment processing, Third party ad network and advertising partners in providing advertising and personal content collect direct from your browser, cookies, or other technology or devise utilized to access the website whole or part. Information is utilized for targeted marketing, advertising, trending, forecasting, and promoting services as well as market research.
In connecting any social media to our site or services you authorize us to share your information with other account holders or providers including blogs, chat, and forums within the website. If you do not want the information shared do not connect your social media to our site, blog, chat, or utilize the forums or social services for such.
In the use of the website, you understand we may disclose personal information to government authorities, third parties, or in the course of protecting health and safety. In the event of reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer, or other disposition of business, assets, stock, whole or part information may be shared or disclosed.
Information may be shared or disclosed in, too, by, or for the following:
(1) Fraud
(2) Claims
(3) Disputes
(4) litigation
(5) When required by Law
(6) For Health and Safety
(7) Credit Risk
(8) Enforce law or legal rights
(9) For purposes of contractual commitments made by you
(10) Third parties
(11) Government regulatory authorities
(12) Transfer or Sale
The website named and known herein as John Casey its author and creator including assistants, affiliates, associates, partners, or others related to creation of this site known herein as John Casey in no way shall or does any use whole or part of this sites services, subscription, memberships, products, offerings, use, or content construe replacement for professional and licensed advice, relationships, or service including but not limited to veterinarians, trainers, farriers, bloodstock agents, professional horsemen or others in any or all fields related or associated to the selection of quality, condition, viability, soundness, health or otherwise of animals
You and your use of the website or any part of the site in action expressed or implied in contradiction or violation of the terms of use, local, federal, state, territory, or government laws and regulations are agreeing to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless John Casey its associates, assistants, subsidiaries, employees, contractors, suppliers, successors, or partners and agents from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses, or fees including legal arising out of or relating to your violation(s), user content, statements, posts, emails, general use of the site in whole or part, use of website content or services and products or offerings including any information obtained from the site.
Personal Information
In providing services we collect the following personal information
(1) Name
(2) Address
(3) Credit Card or Bank Card information
(4) Phone number
(5) Text Messaging information
(6) email address
(7) Computer IP protocol or identifiable computer information
Collection of Personal Information
In order to provide services, we may collect personal identifiable information about you and the technologies you utilize in access to our website, apps, or services. It may include the use of technological, manual, and even automated means. We and the web hosting service platform hosting our website, suppliers, associates, partners, and affiliates of our business may use these means including cookies in tracking, updating, decimating, calculating, processing, or otherwise data to provide services or help enhance services provided. Our website and all associations to our site or services directly in relationship with us may use various cookies in the process to monitor, enhance, improve, or protect effectiveness and safety of services.
Additional information collected in your use of our services, website whole or part, apps, shop, store, blog, feedback, newsletters, memberships, subscription, or any other connection or use of website or services.
(1) Length of Visit
(2) Time on or away from page or link(s)
(3) Internet IP or protocol used
(4) Additional information may include but not limited to:
Credit Card or payment information
Name including usernames.
Gender and age
Your State, address including city, and zip code.
Email address
Phone number or text messaging numbers
(5) Social media, Blog, Forum, and Chat.
(6) Personal profiles
(7) Product reviews, recommendations, and feedback
We collect personal information for the following reasons.
(1) Provide services
(2) To operate services
(3) To provide personalized services to users and visitors
(4) To comply with laws and regulations
(5) To collect statistical data and information for business services
Sources of Personal Information
Sources of personal information include the use of credit card services, subscriptions, memberships, or other services directly offered by us. You should protect your personal information when using forums, blogs, and chat on the website. We collect information that may be personal identifiable for the normal course of business transactions only, other identifiable information about you the user should not be provided to forums, blogs, or chat by you. The sources we utilize in the collection of personal information may include third party credit card processing providers, hosting services, and necessary data collected in subscriber and member services.
Technological or automated means of collection may occur for data collection, marketing, advertising of new products and services. They may include the latest forms of data tracing, tracking and cookies related to non identifiable personal information.
Purpose of Collection
We communicate to you the user through the personal identifiable information for the purpose of protecting our terms of use policy and privacy policy, communications of blogs, forums, email, phone, or mail communications with you. We provide communications not just on terms of use, privacy policy, promotions, member benefits, subscriptions, new products or services but for purpose of complying with laws and regulations in jurisdictions including international or local and domestic or foreign. We may contact you through the email, text, phone, mail, forum, blog, or whole or part of our website and its services. We use the collection of personal identifiable information to communicate resolving disputes, troubleshoot issues, to identify, inform, answer questions, for polling, to collect fees, discuss subscriptions, memberships or any and all services in the course of business.
Disclosure of Personal Information
You and your use of the website or any part of the site in action expressed or implied in contradiction or violation of the terms of use, local, federal, state, territory, or government laws and regulations are agreeing to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless John Casey its associates, assistants, subsidiaries, employees, contractors, suppliers, successors, or partners and agents from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses, or fees including legal arising out of or relating to your violation(s), user content, statements, posts, emails, general use of the site in whole or part, use of website content or services and products or offerings including any information obtained from the site.
You and your use of the website or any part of the site in action expressed or implied in contradiction or violation of the terms of use, local, federal, state, territory, or government laws and regulations are agreeing to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless John Casey its associates, assistants, subsidiaries, employees, contractors, suppliers, successors, or partners and agents from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, judgments, awards, losses, costs, expenses, or fees including legal arising out of or relating to your violation(s), user content, statements, posts, emails, general use of the site in whole or part, use of website content or services and products or offerings including any information obtained from the site.
California Privacy Rights
California Consumer Protection Rights (CCPA). You have certain rights under California Privacy Rights and Protections you should be aware of.
You Have
The right to know about what information is collected on you.
The right to delete personal information collected from you.
The right to opt out of sale or sharing of your personal information.
The right to non-discrimination for exercising your CCPA rights.
The right to correct inaccurate information on you.
The right to limit the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information collected.
How to Exercise Consumer Rights
Should you wish to file a complaint or feal our company has not addressed your issue or concern in a satisfactory manner you may find information at the following, forms are provided to file a complaint:
Public Inquiry Unit
Office of Attorney General
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, Ca 94244-2550
website: oag.ca.gov/privacy/ccpa
Updates to California Privacy Rights
For information on the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) information can be found below. Please know you have California Privacy Rights. Technologies and internet business is ever changing and evolving. We value the privacy of our members and subscribers if you would like to remain current on California privacy rights please see below.
Public Inquiry Unit
Office of Attorney General
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, Ca 94244-2550
website: oag.ca.gov/privacy/ccpa
If you would like to reach out about your concerns or exercise your rights, please feal free to contact us at the below address in writing.
John Casey
21 Eastlake
Irvine, Ca 92604
Contact Information
You can contact us through our online submission or by email for questions and concerns:
John Casey
21 Eastlake
Irvine, Ca 92604
(949) 220-4706